
 别名:Boothe Parisse Boothe,Parisse Ashley Boothe (本名)  性别:女  地区:美国  身高:  体重:  星座:双子座  血型:未知  生日:1983-06-12  出生地区:美国 加利福尼亚州 比佛利山庄

Parisse Boothe was born in Beverly Hills to Pamela and Powers Boothe. Graduating high school after only three years, she attended college at the University of Oregon, majoring in Theatre Arts. She was nationally awarded in the American College Theatre Festival. Upon moving back to Los Angeles, she began work on the Emmy-winning HBO series, Deadwood (2004), as the Bella Union prostitute,"Tess". After work on all three seasons of the hit series, Parisse began working in film, starring amidst Sean Astin and James Gammon in the baseball classic, The Final Season (2007); and others. She consistently shows her diversity from motion capture, television, film, producing and directing.

